Binge Eating, Nutrition And Health Advice With Dietician Lyndi Cohen, The Nude Nutritionist
I interviewed dietician and nutritionist Lyndi Cohen who is also known as @nude_nutritionist on instagram. Lyndi struggled with an extremely unhealthy relationship with food from the age of 10 through to her early twenties until she decided to make a change. She developed healthier eating habits and created a healthier lifestyle, as a result of this she lost 20kg over the space of 3 years and is now a super healthy, fit individual. During Episode 20 Lyndi shares with us the best methods to apply in order to prevent binge eating, how to lose body fat and keep it off, my battle with the binge eating disorder and how I overcame it and much more! Also Lyndi has created her own wellness program which is called 'Keep it real', she is an expert in her field and shares with us lots of valuable information throughout the course of this episode.
I interviewed dietician and nutritionist Lyndi Cohen who is also known as @nude_nutritionist on instagram. Lyndi struggled with an extremely unhealthy relationship with food from the age of 10 through to her early twenties until she decided to make a change. She developed healthier eating habits and created a healthier lifestyle, as a result of this she lost 20kg over the space of 3 years and is now a super healthy, fit individual. During Episode 20 Lyndi shares with us the best methods to apply in order to prevent binge eating, how to lose body fat and keep it off, my battle with the binge eating disorder and how I overcame it and much more! Also Lyndi has created her own wellness program which is called 'Keep it real', she is an expert in her field and shares with us lots of valuable information throughout the course of this episode.